This site is a tribute to Cathy. She is much loved and will always be remembered.
Cathy's funeral service was held at Woodvale Crematorium (North Chapel) on Friday 23rd June 2023 at 11am.
In lieu of flowers, donations are welcomed in memory of Cathy to 'St Wilfrid's Hospice' through the link on this site.
How can a year have gone by already my dearest Cathit? And yet I still find it difficult to accept that I won’t see you again in this lifetime. How can I quantify how much you meant to me - my big sister who was always there for me from the very beginning of my life and through all the times we shared during our childhood and on into adulthood. I was truly blessed to have you as my sister and even though at times we infuriated each other (and boy could we!) our bond was absolutely unbreakable. Many of the funniest times of my life were spent laughing with you Cath and these days I really appreciate having our shared humour to look back on with a chuckle. I can totally imagine what you’d be saying about the Tories and Trump right now! Miss you so much, Evit xxx
Oh, Catherina. You fell though that lift door and changed my life forever. I miss you as much today as I always will.
Thank you for the support you gave to Cath.
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